Monday, June 29, 2009

Dazzling Daria

So our sun streak finally ended last weekend...we knew it was too good to last forever! Our fabulous bride, Daria, was all smiles on her wedding day--she didn't seem to mind a bit. I guess given the past few weeks of New England weather, we really should be happy we went 8 for 8. And we all know what they say about a rainy wedding day (but don't ever mention it's "luckiness" to a bride if it happens to be sprinkling...please.)

New Leaf's beauty team kicked off early for Daria--8:00 a.m. to be exact! Her ceremony was at 11:00 in Providence so there was not a minute to waste. 

Amy works on Daria's sister while her hair sets...

She gets the "J-Lo treatment", as I like to say, while Jamie Rego and Amy beautify her at the same time...we don't mess around when there is a groom waiting for his bride!
Don't you wish you had a hair and make up team each morning? Things would go much smoother...

This series of photos shows the progression of a bridal it begins and ends is pretty amazing!

Pam backcombs like a madwoman...All great updos must start with big hair--expect to be sitting in a hairspray haze looking like your 1980's class photo at some point during the process.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
And wow.

A great photo of Daria's beautiful veil and Amy... 
...and since Daria needed to be somewhere pretty important, we didn't want to pester her for our 'after' shot, so she remains a mystery. 
I'm pretty sure her father, who waited patiently in his very dapper tuxedo while we primped his wife and two daughters, wanted to walk Daria down the aisle on time. We understand completely!

Congratulations, Daria! We hope you had an amazing day, rain or shine...If you happened to be late to the ceremony, I know you were WELL worth the wait:o)

Stay tuned...

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Soft and sexy hair for 2009 and everafter.....

Soft and sexy hair for 2009 and everafter.....

Leah's Favorite Product for Jan. 2009

Leah's Favorite Product for Jan. 2009
perfect for oily hair, perfect for dry hair! You can't build anything without this foundation.

My "go-to" product for all seasons

My "go-to" product for all seasons
a little goes a long way!

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Something you won't see at New Leaf (but I thought you would laugh!!)

Something you won't see at New Leaf (but I thought you would laugh!!)