Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Luck o' the Irish

Kate Murphy must have a touch of the shamrock in her genes because she woke to blue skies and sun the morning of her wedding! Lucky girl because  she travelled from Burlington, Vermont to get married here in little Rhody.

Kate had 5 bridesmaids who were all so much fun! They all took advantage of the wedding party packages and came in on Friday for manis and pedis--very smart:-) Sometimes, if you have a big wedding party, trying to do all your services in one day leaves you feeling less than relaxed. 

Here is Kate before getting started........

Kate's girls...
(Please notice the button down shirts so no one ruins the hair! 
Like I said, these girls are pretty savvy:-)

Kate's mother went with a swept up style. Pam made sure it was soft and elegant, just like her. Awwwww.

All the bridesmaids went with all down or half up styles. Meteorologically speaking, it was a perfect day for being frizz-free. Al Roker would be proud of my vocabulary, right?

Amy making Kate look perfectly natural...

I was mildly obsessed with Kate's veil (okay, I wouldn't stop talking about it).  It was super long and had this rough lace edge. Very unique and very beautiful.

Kate looks like a model from a bridal magazine. Well, if she had a dress on. But I can picture it!!

Thanks to Kate and all her ladies. We hope you had a fabulous time, we sure did with your party! Congrats:-)

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