Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When One Door is Closed, Another Will Open--the story of New Leaf's holiday party...

So we got a little snow...what of it? Sixteen inches of the powdery white stuff was not enough to keep the New Leaf girls from having a holiday party. Some shoveling, some salt, and we're good.

Apparently, the restaurant (which shall remain nameless, unless you ask us) that we were supposed to have our party at forgot that it was located in New England and that snow happens.

It was closed.

Yes, all 25 of us shoveled ourselves out, got all dressed up in our holiday best, drove to 'the restaurant' to find an empty, PLOWED parking lot...filled only with sad employees looking to have a good time. And no, 'the restaurant' never called to tell us that they were scared of some snow.

After a lot of laughing, phone calls, and text messages...Amy Silva, our resourceful and quick thinking owner, called our favorite local restaurant down the road--Chardonnay's in Seekonk, MA and they were happy to have us.


I'll let you in on a little secret...My husband and I were pretty psyched because we are there every Friday night eating the BEST nachos and grilled pizza you will ever try (and I consider myself an expert in both categories).

Here we are...
Amy G., Melanie, Amy, and Heidi

Jenn, little Jamie (Rego), and Yadira

Shaun (Michelle's husband), Pam, Michelle, and Ashley
Shaun, by the way, had the best seat in the house, sitting at the girls table. Well, we thought he was pretty lucky. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he should win my 'best sport of the night' award instead.

Mario, Amy's husband and New Leaf's very own Mr. Fix-It (thanks Mario!) and Jon, Melanie's husband and head chef at Castle Hill in Newport (We could have just had him whip us up something, right?)

Heidi and Courtney (me)

Our other halves--Heidi's Josh and my husband Ryan...

David and Pam

Chris and Danielle

And here come the silly ones...

Danielle: "Michelle, stop touching me."
Michelle: "I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you."

Girls: "Cheers to finding a place to have a party!"

Ashley: "Amy, I don't know if I am going to be at work tomorrow."
Amy: "What?!?"

Ashley has 'men' on the brain and little Jamie has just read her mind...

And finally, the men attempting to get a good shot of the girls...
Woo-Hoo! Eyes open? Check. Happy faces? Check.

The aftermath of a GREAT New Leaf Holiday...a broken table now missing a leg. Sorry Chardonnay's, we stayed one hour too long.

Thanks to Chardonnay's for taking in some lost little hairdressers and showing them to believe in Christmas miracles. Also, a big thanks to Amy for making it happen and reminding why we love working at New Leaf. xo.

Happy Holidays and to all a GOOD NIGHT!

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