Monday, June 22, 2009

Blithewold's Beautiful Bride

After a week of solid rain, the skies cleared for our bride, Caroline. Our sun streak makes us 8 for 8...I guess we have to take weeklong bouts of miserable rain so our brides have beautiful problem! 

Caroline and her fiance, Rob, were having their wedding at Blithewold Mansion
Blithewold is a gorgeous mansion on the water in Bristol. Besides having incredible views, Blithewold's grounds are filled with different gardens, including a unique bamboo garden--great for pictures!

Caroline came in for her trial wanting a style that transformed her fine blonde hair into a thick, wavy, sleek updo. She asked, "can it be done?" I told her anything is possible:o)

Hair miracles are possible. Well, as long as you have hot rollers, a curling iron, a lot of hairspray, and the ability to backcomb  or "tease". 

I was so excited when I saw that Caroline went lighter! Hair color photographs darker so it's always best to lighten up a bit, especially around the face. An added bonus for me? Blonde updos always look fabulous because you can really see every detail.

And the hairspray begins... 

Caroline's wedding party was a PARTY...we styled 9 ladies! 
Here are her girls getting some ideas from our style book.

How cute is Caroline's bridesmaid, Laura? She kept calling our stylists "hair wizards" which I thought was so funny. Jamie Rego is practicing her "wizardry" on Laura.

I like this photo because it looks like Caroline and her sister are having a 'moment'. Apparently, the Ettman gene pool not only creates beautiful people, but also very smart...and humble ones at that. When I asked Caroline's sister where she was going for college, she answered, "New Jersey." Caroline laughed. She is really off to Princeton in the fall and feels funny telling people. New Jersey can be pretty funny, I guess, especially if you watch The Real Housewives, a dirty little secret of a show on Bravo! 

But I digress....

Ashley is working on Caroline's other sister...three girls...between college and weddings...whew!

Here is the beautiful style Jamie Rego created for beachy and soft!

Pam just took out a hot roller set on Caroline's bridesmaid, so the hair is so much easier to work with...and check out those dimples!

Caroline has this antique brooch that we added...such a great touch! Of course, there isn't a picture of it...but Caroline promised she'd send her photos!

After Leah worked her make up magic, Caroline posed with her sisters.
 I love how Hollywood glam Caroline looks! Now if you could only see her in her dress...

They're off to a wedding! Rob is a very lucky man...Caroline is also pretty lucky to have such great girls surrounding her on her big day.

Caroline was so sweet--she stopped by the salon on Monday to thank us again. She brought her camera so we could sneak a peek of her with her dress on...She looked incredible

Thanks to Caroline and her entire wedding party. We hope the fun at the salon was just the beginning...Congrats!

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Soft and sexy hair for 2009 and everafter.....

Soft and sexy hair for 2009 and everafter.....

Leah's Favorite Product for Jan. 2009

Leah's Favorite Product for Jan. 2009
perfect for oily hair, perfect for dry hair! You can't build anything without this foundation.

My "go-to" product for all seasons

My "go-to" product for all seasons
a little goes a long way!

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Something you won't see at New Leaf (but I thought you would laugh!!)

Something you won't see at New Leaf (but I thought you would laugh!!)